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Swimming Pool- 全票:100元/次。
- 學生票:90元/次(購買學生票請出示有效學生證正本)。
- 兒童票:80元/次(身高120以下之兒童)。
- 敬老卡:60元/次(年滿65歲以上請出示身份證名正本)。
- 里民票:80元/次。
- 卡友票:90元/次(嘉運卡友限定)。
- 樂齡泳池月卡:600元(年滿65歲以上限定,購買時需出示身份證)。
- 晨間月票:800元(早上6點~12點,使用期限為30天)。
- 泳池學生月卡:999元(購買時需出示學生證)。
- 泳池月卡:1200元。
- 泳健月卡1500元(使用期限為30天,本卡為游泳池和體適能中心雙館優惠票卡,2館每天限各使用一次)。
- 泳健季卡4000元(使用期限為90天,本卡為游泳池和體適能中心雙館優惠票卡,2館每天限各使用一次)。
[開放時間] 06:00~22:00。閉館時請提早上岸盥洗。月票卡類使用期限皆為30天,每天可使用一次。購買優惠票、卡請出示身份證件。
- 第一條:
- 身體不適、患有法定傳染病及心藏病、高血壓、糖尿病等或其他不適宜運動之相關疾病者及飲酒者禁止進入游泳池,以確保人身安全。People with heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, confusion, infectious diseases, contagious eye diseases or skin diseases (including ulceration, wounds) and other public health hazards are prohibited from entering the swimming pool to ensure their personal safety.
- 第二條:
- 身體不適或發燒超過攝氏37度C者禁止入池。Physical discomfort or fever with body temperature over 37 degrees Celsius are prohibited from entering the pool
- 第三條:
- 飲酒過量顯有醉態者禁止入池。Persons with excessive drinking are prohibited from entering the pool.
- 第四條:
- 請勿戴眼鏡下水。Do not wear glasses under water.
- 第五條:
- 為不影響水質及衛生,泳客入池前請徹底淋浴沖洗、卸妝,不可在皮膚表面塗抹營養霜或其他油品, 並穿著潔淨泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、泳鏡入池。(禁止穿著海灘褲以防毛髮掉落及曝光不雅),並做暖身操,避免抽筋發生。For hygiene reason and to maintain the water quality, swimmers must wash their body thoroughly and remove makeup. Do not apply lotion or any oil products on skin surface. Please wear clean and proper swimming attires, cap and goggles. No beach trunks are allowed in the pool area. Please do warm ups to avoid cramps.
- 第六條:
- 游泳中若有任何不適,請立即離池並通知救生員或服務人員。池區旁如無救生人員岸上警戒時,請勿擅自入池游泳。If there is any discomfort during swimming, please leave the pool immediately and inform the lifeguard or service staff. Please do not enter the pool without the supervision of the lifeguard.
- 第七條:
- 12歲以下兒童須由年滿18歲以上親屬陪同入池。Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by relatives over the age of 18.
- 第八條:
- 未滿12歲及150cm之兒童,請勿使用SPA水療、烤箱、蒸氣室。Children under the age of 12 and less than 150cm tall are not allowed in the spa, oven or steam room.
- 第九條:
- 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及禁止攜帶寵物、雨具、任何食品、飲料進入場館。Smoking, drinking, betel nut chewing and gum chewing are not allowed in the pool area. Please do not bring pets, rain gear and any food and drinks into the venue.
- 第十條:
- 私人物品請自行保管或放置於投幣式置物櫃,本中心不負保管責任。Please take good care of your personal belongings. Our center is not responsible for any damage to or loss of any personal properties of all swimmers.
- 第十一條:
- 本場所若有任何待改進事項,歡迎立即向服務人員反映(並標示服務人員姓名及聯絡方式)。Please feel free to inform our staff if you have any feedback concerning our services or facilities. Appreciate if you could leave your contact information so that we could follow up the case.
- 第十二條:
- 禁止私自教學,請勿冒用他人之會員證,違者依法辦理。Private teaching is prohibited in the pool area. Do not use a membership card which relates to another person.
- 第十三條:
- 本泳池如遇重大比賽、租借、訓練授課、保養維修或不可抗力之因素時,本館有權暫停開放使用。Our center reserves the right to close the swimming pool to the public for conducting major competitions, leasing, training courses, maintenance or any force majeure factors.
- 第十四條:
- 凡不接受救生員或管理員規勸者,並造成公共安全及污染水質之虞,救生員或管理員有權暫停泳客當日使用泳池之權利,已繳費之費用概不退還。Our lifeguard and staff reserve the right to remove any person from the swimming pool if that person does any act which is likely to endanger others and affect the water quality. The paid admission fee will not be refunded.
- 第十五條:
- 進入泳池嚴禁嬉戲、奔跑,泳池四週走道禁止追逐嬉鬧,經勸阻而執意不理,致有意外發生時由當事者自行負責。Playing, running, pushing and shoving are not allowed in the pool area. The center will not be responsible for injury to any person if he or she refuses to accept the persuasion of our lifeguards or staff.
- 第十六條:
- 本池各項公共用品,如:吹風機、置物櫃等,均為公共財產,不當使用致損壞者,須照價賠償。本注意事項未盡完善之處,將以現場公告補充說明。All amenities such as hair dryers and storage lockers etc are consider as public properties. A person is obliged to compensate for any damage caused by improper use. This precaution is by no means exhaustive, please refer to the onsite notice for details.
- 第十七條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。If there are other acts that endanger the safety or sabotage, the staff of this center have the right to prohibit the use.
- 第一條:
- 患有法定傳染病、高血壓、心臟病、孕婦或酗酒者嚴禁使用。使用SPA 池前請先淋浴。People suffering from infectious disease, high blood pressure, pregnant women or alcohol drinker are strictly prohibited from entering the spa area. Please shower before using the SPA area.
- 第二條:
- 請穿著合格之泳裝,並配戴泳帽入場。Please wear proper swimming attires and caps into the spa area.
- 第三條:
- 使用水療池禁止配戴眼鏡。只可配戴泳鏡。Do not wear glasses into the spa area. Only swimming goggles are allowed.
- 第四條:
- 12歲以下兒童禁止使用水療池。Children under the age of 12 are not allow in the spa area.
- 第五條:
- 池內禁止游泳、戲水、及使用浮具。Swimming, playing, floating devices are not allowed in the spa area.
- 第六條:
- 請輪流使用設施。Please take turns using the facilities.
- 第七條:
- 請勿攜帶毛巾入池。Do not bring towels into the pool.
- 第八條:
- 禁止攜帶食物及飲料入池。No food and drinks are allowed.
- 第九條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the spa if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.
- 第一條:
- 兒童池6歲以下須全程由家長陪同入池 (勿離開現場視觀外)。禁止做出危險動作。Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by parents into the pool. No dangerous actions are allowed.
- 第二條:
- 入池前請先淋浴。Please shower before entering the pool.
- 第三條:
- 禁止奔跑、跳水、推拉等危險動作。Running, diving, pushing and shoving and other dangerous moves are prohibited.
- 第四條:
- 心血管疾病 (高血壓、心臟病)、皮膚病及傳染疾病等禁止進入。People suffering from cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart disease), skin disease and infectious disease are forbidden to enter the pool.
- 第五條:
- 請穿著合格之泳裝 (禁止穿著沙灘褲及休閒褲),並配戴泳帽入池。Please wear proper swimming attires and caps into the pool. No beach trunks and casual wear pants are allowed.
- 第六條:
- 嬰幼兒如遇下水,請使用游泳專用尿布,以維護水質清潔。Infants should wear swimming diapers to maintain water quality and clean.
- 第七條:
- 禁止6歲以下兒童入內使用。Children under the age of 6 are strictly forbidden to enter the pool.
- 第八條:
- 如發現身體不適,請立即告知現場人員處理。Please inform our staff immediately whenever you feel discomfort.
- 第九條:
- 禁止攜帶食物及飲料 (飲用水除外)入池。No food and drinks (except drinking water) are allowed.
- 第十條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the pool if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.
- 第一條:
- 熱水池溫度38-40度。入池前請先淋浴。The temperature of the hot water pool is from 38-40 degree Celsius. Please shower before entering the pool.
- 第二條:
- 心血管疾病 (高血壓、心臟病)、皮膚病及傳染疾病等禁止進入。People suffering from cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart disease), skin disease and infectious disease are forbidden to enter the pool.
- 第三條:
- 請穿著合格之泳裝,並配戴泳帽入場。Please wear proper swimming attires and caps into the pool.
- 第四條:
- 使用水療池禁止配戴眼鏡入池。只可配戴泳鏡。Do not wear glasses into the pool. Only swimming goggles are allowed.
- 第五條:
- 池內禁止游泳、戲水、及使用浮具。Swimming, playing, floating devices are not allowed in the pool.
- 第六條:
- 禁止6歲以下兒童單獨入內使用。Children under the age of 6 are not allowed in the pool.
- 第七條:
- 請輪流使用設施。Please take turns using the facilities.
- 第八條:
- 如發現身體不適,請立即告知現場人員處理。Please inform our staff immediately whenever you feel discomfort.
- 第九條:
- 請勿攜帶毛巾入池。Do not bring towels into the pool.
- 第十條:
- 禁止攜帶食物或飲料入池。No food and drinks are allowed.
- 第十一條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the pool if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.
- 第一條:
- 冰水池溫度13-15度。入池前請先淋浴。The temperature of the ice pool is from 13 -15 degree Celsius. Please shower before entering the pool.
- 第二條:
- 心血管疾病 (高血壓、心臟病)、皮膚病及傳染疾病等禁止進入。People suffering from cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart disease), skin disease and infectious disease are forbidden to enter the pool.
- 第三條:
- 請穿著合格之泳裝,並配戴泳帽入池。Please wear proper swimming attires and caps into the pool.
- 第四條:
- 使用冷水池禁止配戴眼鏡入池。No glasses are allowed in the ice pool.
- 第五條:
- 池內禁止游泳、戲水、及使用浮具。Swimming, playing, floating devices are not allowed in the pool.
- 第六條:
- 禁止16歲以下兒童入內使用。Children under the age of 16 are not allowed on the pool.
- 第七條:
- 如發現身體不適,請立即告知現場人員處理。Please inform our staff immediately whenever you feel discomfort.
- 第八條:
- 請勿攜帶毛巾入池。Do not bring towels into the pool.
- 第九條:
- 禁止攜帶食物或飲料入池。No food and drinks are allowed.
- 第十條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the pool if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.
- 第一條:
- 請勿在烤箱裡臥躺,如遇身體不適,請按緊急鈴通知救生人員。Do not lie down in the oven. Please press the emergency bell to notify the lifeguard in case of any discomfort.
- 第二條:
- 烤箱溫度75-80度。The temperature in the oven is from 75-80 degree Celsius.
- 第三條:
- 書報雜誌及衣服嚴禁帶進烤箱內閱讀及晾乾,以免發身危險。請穿著泳衣及泳褲入內。Books, magazines and clothes are forbidden to be read and dries in the oven to avoid danger. Please wear proper swimming attires and tanks.
- 第四條:
- 禁止6歲以下兒童入內使用。Children under the age of 6 are strictly forbidden to enter the oven.
- 第五條:
- 請勿在烤箱內使用精油、乳液及保養品。Do not use essential oil, lotion and skin care products in the oven.
- 第六條:
- 請勿在烤箱內剪指甲、刮腳皮、去角質及刷洗身體。Do not cut nails, use foot files, exfoliate and scrub your body in the oven.
- 第七條:
- 禁止攜帶食物或飲料入池。No food and drinks are allowed.
- 第八條:
- 請勿穿著拖鞋進入烤箱。No slippers are allowed in the oven.
- 第九條:
- 請勿蓄意破壞烤箱設備。Do not vandalize any oven equipment.
- 第十條:
- 請勿在室內跳躍、用力踩踏木板。Do not jump in the room and stomp on the wooden floor.
- 第十一條:
- 尊重他人,切勿於室內大聲喧嘩。Please respect others. Do not make loud noise indoors.
- 第十二條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the oven if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.
- 第一條:
- 請勿在蒸氣室裡臥躺,如遇身體不適,請按緊急鈴通知救生人員。Do not lie down in the oven. Please press the emergency bell to notify the lifeguard in case of any discomfort.
- 第二條:
- 患有法定傳染病、高血壓、心臟病、孕婦或酗酒者嚴禁使用。使用蒸氣室前請先淋浴。People suffering from infectious disease, high blood pressure, pregnant women or alcohol drinker are strictly prohibited from entering the spa area. Please shower before using the steam room.
- 第三條:
- 禁止孩童單獨進入,必須有大人陪同才可進入。Children are prohibited to enter the steam room alone. They must be accompanied by an adult in the steam room.
- 第四條:
- 請勿在蒸氣室內使海鹽、精油、乳液及保養品。Do not use sea salt, essential oil, lotion and skin products in the steam room.
- 第五條:
- 請勿在蒸氣室內剪指甲、刮腳皮、去角質及刷洗身體。Do not cut nails, use foot files, exfoliate and scrub your body in the steam room.
- 第六條:
- 禁止攜帶食物或飲料入池。No food and drinks are allowed.
- 第七條:
- 禁止在室內吸煙、嚼食檳榔及口香糖。No smoking, betel nut chewing and gum chewing are allowed indoors.
- 第八條:
- 請勿將拖鞋穿入蒸氣室內。Do not wear slippers into the steam room.
- 第九條:
- 請勿蓄意破壞蒸氣室設備。Do not vandalize ant steam room equipment.
- 第十條:
- 請勿站於座椅上以免滑倒。Do not stand on the sear to prevent slipping down to the floor.
- 第十一條:
- 尊重他人,切勿於室內大聲喧嘩。Please respect others. Do not make loud noise indoors.
- 第十二條:
- 請穿著泳衣、泳褲入內。Please wear proper swimming attires and tanks.
- 第十三條:
- 如有其他危害安全或破壞之行為,本中心工作人員有權禁止使用。Our staff reserves the right to remove any person from the steam room if that person does any act that might pose threats or dangerous to others.